Getting Started

Getting your data

First things first, make sure your data is in a .csv format! We may handle other file formats in the future, but for now stick with .csv files. The csv data should be row-based, meaning each data point is one row (not column).

For most tools GeoViz provides, you’ll need (at least) columns representing:

  • Latitude (floats between -90 and 90)

  • Longitude (floats between -180 and 180)

  • Dates (in a format parseable with pandas’ parse_date functionality.)

  • (optional) a description column in natural text

If you want to follow along, download a dataset of pirate attacks here: clean_asam.csv

Setting options

Next, we’ll need to select what components we want to see, as well as tell GeoViz which columns are our latitude/longitude/date columns. Luckily, as of release 0.1.2 We don’t need to deal with writing a JSON file at all! Before anything, install python via pip:

pip install rrcgeoviz --upgrade

Now, run the init command:

rrcgeoviz --init

You should see a new tab in your browser that looks like this:


First things first, let’s tell GeoViz which columns are which. Take a look at your data and add the relevant column names:


For now, all columns are required. Now, scroll down to the features section. We have a whole lot to look at! Try checking a couple that look interesting:


If you selected some compute-heavy options, e.g. the NLP clustering, you might want to use caching. Try toggling the “Cache Results” one and putting a path where you want to store your data:



Set the path relative to where you’re running. For example, if your command line is at C:/users/myuser, then putting in “./geoviz” would store the data at C:/users/myuser/geoviz.

We’re all set! Go ahead and click that green download button:


You should see a JSON file download from your browser. Store it somewhere accessible from the command line. To see what a complete options file looks like, check out the one at rrcgeoviz/options_tests/devoptions.json. If you’re interesting in writing it by hand (not recommended) check out the Creating a Config file page.

Installing & Running GeoViz

That’s it for setup, now let’s actually see what GeoViz can do. With geoviz already installed, run it with the command line:

rrcgeoviz relative/path/to/mydata.csv relative/path/to/myoptions.json

Make sure that the paths to the data and options are relative to the directory you’re calling rrcgeoviz from.

A tab should open in your default browser with GeoViz running!


Check some of the boxes to see the features. You may also be interested in the modifying dataframe tab:


You can save your changes, as well as download a pandas profiling of your data, in the “Downloadables” tab:


Once you’re done, stop the GeoViz server with Ctrl+C in the terminal.

What to do now

Congratulations! You’re now a semi-expert on how to use GeoViz. If you want a complete look at all the features, check out the Features page. Note the required columns and be sure to add them at the top of the init page!